The Foundry

The Foundry program at the Yokolou is a startup fund that invests in promising businesses founded by the Yokolou residents and alumni. Backed by successful entrepreneurs and investors, the Foundry provides seed funding for Yokolou spin-offs, research projects and more. Most importantly we offer reduced and affordable rates for our Foundry residents that we hand select to fit the Yokolou mission and culture.

But it's not just about the money. The Foundry also provides support and resources to help founders navigate the challenges of starting a business. This includes access to a network of experienced mentors, resources for prototyping and testing, and opportunities for networking and collaboration.

The Foundry is based at the Yokolou, a co-living community for entrepreneurs and innovators. By bringing together like-minded individuals in a supportive living environment, the Yokolou creates a unique ecosystem for innovation and growth.

While major cities like Silicon Valley, New York, Munich, and Berlin are known for their startup hubs, it can be difficult for students and entrepreneurs in smaller cities to access the same level of resources and support. By bringing co-living and the Foundry program to cities with strong technology, AI, biotech, and business universities, the Yokolou helps to bridge that gap and provide opportunities for students and entrepreneurs to grow and succeed.

Apply for membership at
Yoko House today.